Frequently asked questions


Where are you located?

Our headquarters is at The Cambridge Centre for Learning Spaces Innovation, which is located at the heart of historic Cambridge. We can be found on the top floor of Newnham Mill, Newnham Road, Cambridge CB3 9EY.

Why should we choose Planning Learning Spaces in Practice?

With a combined total of over 50 years of teaching experience behind the PLS in Practice Team, we understand the challenges staff are facing on a daily basis. Our Design Framework enables everyone to celebrate the successes of the existing learning space and also consider solutions to enhance your future practices.

Do you support schools worldwide?

Yes, our process can be applied to any school in any location. We offer online support to schools who are overseas.

What types of spaces do you design?

Primary learning areas, specialist rooms and whole school designs.

Can you deliver the process in person or online?

We can do either or both depending on location.

Do you offer advice on products?

Yes, we will always advise on the best possible products that will allow you to meet the needs of the teachers and learners.

Do you offer ongoing support during and after the process?

Yes, our team can be contacted throughout the process and will keep in touch once things are completed.

How much is the process?

The cost will depend on the nature of the project and this will be discussed at the beginning of the process.

Do you offer concept designs and drawings of the learning spaces?

Yes, we offer additional concept designs and drawings in workshop 5 of the process.

Do you offer CPD training?

Yes, please get in touch to discuss this in further detail.

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